Communications sent, 1 June to 30 November 2012; Replies received, 1 August 2012 to 31 January 2013

By | 20 February, 2013

Human Rights Council
Twenty-second session
A/HRC/22/67, 20 February 2013

Communications report of Special Procedures*

PDF Full Report

Communications sent, 1 June to 30 November 2012; Replies received, 1 August 2012 to 31 January 2013

* The present report is circulated as received.

Date Type Case No Country Mandate(s) Summary of the allegation transmitted Reply
Indigenous peoples;  
Seguimiento a una carta enviada el 14 de octubre de 2011 en relación con las alegaciones recibidas sobre las comunidades indígenas afectadas por el proyecto de construcción de una planta cementera en el municipio de San Juan Sacatepéquez, con observaciones y recomendaciones del Relator Especial sobre el caso (Véase también A/HRC/19/44 y A/HRC/21/47.Add.3).
Adequate housing; Extreme poverty; Food; Freedom of expression; Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association; Indigenous peoples; Water and Sanitation;  
Alleged negative impacts on human rights of affected communities of a proposed Bangladesh domestic policy permitting the construction of an open-pit coal mine in the township of Phulbari. Concerns transmitted to GCM Resources plc, which through its subsidiary Asia Energy Corporation (Bangladesh) Pty Ltd works under a contract with the Government of Bangladesh on the Phulbari Coal Mine project. According to information received, the open-pit coal mine in Phulbari, if constructed, would have a significant impact on food production and its access by destroying approximately 12,000 acres of productive agricultural land, and on water access by lowering the water table 12 to 25 metres and potentially poisoning water sources. The proposed mine would allegedly displace up to 220,000 people over time, 50,000 of whom are indigenous peoples belonging 23 different tribal groups. Current plans reportedly do not provide adequate compensation or resettlement, and have not included consultations with affected communities. Finally, allegations have been raised concerning continued efforts to stop human rights defenders from protesting the Phulbari coal mine and the resulting infringements on their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.
Indigenous peoples;  
Alegaciones sobre la situación del supuesto uso excesivo de la fuerza por parte de la policía contra menores de edad en relación con actos de protesta ocurridas en la región de Araucanía. En la carta, el Relator Especial sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas comunica su adhesión a las expresiones de preocupación por esta situación que fueron transmitidas por el Relator Especial sobre la promoción y protección de libertad expresión y opinión; el Relator Especial sobre el derecho de libertad de reunión y asociación pacíficas; la Relatora Especial sobre la situación de los defensores de los derechos humanos; y el Relator especial sobre ejecuciones extrajudiciales, sumarias y arbitrarias, en su carta con fecha 31 de julio de 2012 (Ref. CHL 3/2012). El Relator Especial solicita al Gobierno que, además de contestar a las preguntas planteadas por los Relatores Especiales en la carta del 31 de julio de 2012, le proporcione información actualizada sobre los pasos que el Gobierno ha realizado para tratar el asunto de tierras indígenas mapuche y de asegurar un comportamiento adecuado policial frente a actos de protesta social relativo a los reclamos territoriales indígenas.
Indigenous peoples;  
Alegación sobre la situación de los pueblos indígenas en el norte del Cauca, que han sido afectados por el conflicto armado entre grupos irregulares de la FARC y la Fuerza Pública. Según la información recibida, existe una vulnerabilidad continua del pueblo nasa y otros pueblos indígenas frente a la presencia militar y enfrentamientos armados dentro de sus territorios, especialmente en el norte del Cauca. Se alega que la presencia tanto del ejército como de grupos armados irregulares contribuye a las condiciones de violencia que han resultado en un gran número de muertos, heridos y daños a propiedades indígenas.
Indigenous peoples;  
Allegations concerning the possible negative impacts of the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia Transport Corridor (LAPSSET) project on indigenous peoples inhabiting Lamu County and surrounding areas in Kenya. According to the information received, the LAPSSET project is a major infrastructure development project that will span three countries: Kenya, South Sudan and Ethiopia. It will consist of a major shipping port in Lamu County, in the northeastern coast of Kenya, as well as the construction of a major highway, resort cities, airport, oil refinery and pipeline that would interconnect the three countries. There are reportedly serious concerns regarding the effects that the construction of this project would have on the traditional lands, natural resources, and livelihoods of indigenous peoples in Lamu County and surrounding areas. Nevertheless, according to the information received there have not been adequate consultations carried out with affected indigenous communities and they have received very little information about the project and its potential effects on their rights.
New Zealand 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged exclusion of the Mangakahia Whanau from the Treaty of Waitangi settlement process. According to the information received, Mangakahia Whanau is a Maori iwi (tribe) numbering over one thousand people whose ancestral territory is located in the Hauraki District. Reportedly, the New Zealand Government‘s policy of negotiating treaty settlements with large Maori groupings or collectives, rather than individual tribes, has resulted in the claims of the Mangakahia Whanau not being adequately addressed by the collective with whom the Government is negotiating, the Hauraki Collective. Furthermore, the Hauraki Collective purports to act on behalf of Mangakahia Whanau, without its authorization or consent. This is of special concern since the Hauraki Collective reportedly intends to claim reparations that would otherwise be due to the Mangakahia Whanau under the treaty settlement process. 
United States of America 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged imminent demolition by the United States Army War College, of one of the last standing structures connected to the former Carlisle Indian Industrial School, a site of deep historical significance to indigenous peoples throughout the country. According to the information received, the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, established in 1879 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was the first boarding school to house Native American children outside of their reservation homelands. After the school closed in 1918, the premises were reclaimed by the U.S. Army as part of the Carlisle Barracks, however certain parts of the school were subsequently designated as a National Historic Landmark. The farmhouse was excluded from this designation, despite being actively used for housing and educational purposes for indigenous children. Recently, the U.S. Army War College, located at the Carlisle Barracks, announced its plans to raze the farmhouse in August or September of 2012 in order to make way for four new housing units for its personnel. As the farmhouse was not designated as a National Historic Landmark the War College is allegedly taking the position that does not have to consult with the relevant state agency, nor with interested indigenous peoples. 
United States of America 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged imminent sale of land located within the Black Hills, South Dakota, considered to be a site of great spiritual significance to the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota indigenous peoples. According to the information received the site known as Pe‘ Sla is located on the Reynolds Prairie in the Black Hills, which has been owned by the Reynolds family since the 1870s. Over the years, members of the owners of Reynolds Prairie had permitted Sioux peoples to enter the land and conduct their traditional ceremonies at Pe‘ Sla, however recently, the family recently announced its intention to sell some land during a land sale auction on 25 August 2012. The Lakota, Dakota and Nakota indigenous peoples fear the sale may result in restrictions on future access to Pe‘ Sla. There is also concern over the state of South Dakota‘s reported intention to pave a gravel road through Pe‘ Sla, in order to facilitate logging and recreational activities in the area. Reportedly the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota peoples have begun a fundraising effort in order to recover this sacred site. 
(Bolivarian Republic of) 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alegaciones sobre la reciente masacre de indígenas yanomami de la comunidad Irotatheri, en el Estado de Amazonas, por mineros ilegales. Según la información recibida, numerosas personas de esta comunidad indígena, hasta unas 80 personas fueron asesinadas por los mineros ilegales. Esto ha generado graves preocupaciones sobre la situación del pueblo yanomami en la zona fronteriza con Brasil que por años ha denunciado la presencia de mineros ilegales en su territorio tradicional. Se ha indicado que el Estado no ha tomado medidas efectivas para controlar y detener la entrada de estos mineros ilegales, lo que también requeriría acciones conjuntas con el Gobierno de Brasil. Se ha informado que una denuncia sobre estos hechos fue presentada a la Defensoría del Pueblo del Estado Amazonas y al Fiscal Superior del Estado Amazonas y que el Ministerio Público ha designado una comisión para investigar estos hechos.
Indigenous peoples;  
Alegaciones sobre la situación de posibles riesgos que enfrentan miembros de los pueblos indígenas que viven en situación de aislamiento o contacto inicial en la Reserva Territorial Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti y otros a raíz de la ampliación del proyecto de gas Camisea en la región amazónica del Perú. Según la información recibida, el Ministerio de Minas y Energía habría aprobado una evaluación de impacto ambiental para la expansión de actividades del proyecto de gas Camisea. Se alega que los pueblos indígenas en situación de aislamiento y contacto inicial que habitan la Reserva Territorial Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti y otros han sufrido graves impactos a su salud, vidas, culturas y territorios debido a exploraciones hidrocarburíferas pasadas y actuales en la región, incluyendo el proyecto Camisea. Debido a los antecedentes de las actividades hidrocarburíferas en el territorio que comprende la reserva, se han expresado graves preocupaciones sobre los planes de expansión del proyecto de gas Camisea por parte del Estado peruano, especialmente dentro de la Reserva Territorial Kugapakori, Nahua, Nanti y otros. 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged situation of health and environmental problems and land rights issues affecting the Wayana indigenous communities of Puleowime (Apetina) and Kawemhakan (Anapayke) in Southeastern Suriname. According to the information received, the communities of Apetina and Anapayke have suffered health, environmental and other problems due to the alleged presence of small-scale gold mining operations in their traditional lands. Concerns are also raised about the potential impacts of a proposed hydroelectric project on the traditional lands of the Apetina and Anapayke communities. These issues relate in large part, according to the information received, to the lack of legal recognition and protection of the communities‘ lands.
Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged violent attacks against the Guarani – Kaiowá indigenous community of Arrio Korá, which reportedly resulted in the disappearance and possible death of one community member. According to the information received, the Arrio Korá historically inhabited lands in the Mato Grosso do Sol region until the 1940s when they were displaced from their traditional lands to make way for non-indigenous settlers who came to the area to engage in large-scale agribusiness. On or about 10 August 2012, Arrio Korá community members began a peaceful protest that involved reoccupation of their claimed lands, reportedly in response to ongoing delays by the Government in resolving their land claims. As the protests were about to start, some 50 armed gunmen arrived and shot at the protestors. This situation is reportedly part of a broader pattern of violence between local farmers and indigenous communities in the context of efforts by indigenous peoples in Mato Grosso do Sul to attempt to regain rights over ancestral lands that are under the control of non-indigenous occupants. 
Freedom of expression; Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association; Human rights defenders; Indigenous peoples; Summary executions;  
Alegaciones de actos de violencia y uso desproporcionado de la fuerza contra manifestantes pacíficos en el contexto de unas protestas en la cumbre de Alaska, jurisdicción de Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, Sololá. Según la información recibida, el jueves 4 de octubre de 2012, aproximadamente unos 15.000 a 20.000 miembros de comunidades indígenas habrían participado en unas protestas pacíficas para denunciar la reforma constitucional, la reforma de la carrera magisterial y el alto precio de la energía eléctrica. Se habrían producido serios enfrentamientos entre las fuerzas del ejército y los manifestantes, resultando en la muerte del Sr. José Eusebio Puac Baquiax, del Sr. Santos Hernández Menchú, del Sr. Jesús Baltazar Caxaj Puac, del Sr. Arturo Félix Sapón Yaxm, del Sr. Jesús Francisco Puac Ordóñez y del Sr. Rafael Nicolás Batz, y más de 33 personas fueron heridas, incluyendo por intoxicación de gases lacrimógenos.
Indigenous peoples;  
Allegations regarding the ongoing barriers to effective protection of indigenous peoples‘ rights in Nepal. According to the information received, the Constituent Assembly, which was tasked with drafting a new Constitution in Nepal, was dissolved in May 2012, reportedly due to disagreements regarding the reorganization of the Nepali state under a federal structure defined along ethnic lines. This federal structure had been supported by indigenous representatives. With the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and the current proposals for the creation of an entirely new body to take its place, concerns have been expressed that the progress made by indigenous members of the former Constituent Assembly could be lost. In addition, as a result of ongoing disagreements over the nature of the federal structure to be established in Nepal, incidents of criminal persecution of indigenous leaders in the country have been reported. Finally, various domestic laws still require reform in order to comply with relevant international standards. This letter follows up on the recommendations made in a 2009 report of the Special Rapporteur (A/HRC/12/34/Add.3) as well as a communication of 29 January 2010 (A/HRC/15/37/Add.1).
Indigenous peoples;  
Allegations received concerning agricultural development in the lower Omo valley associated with the construction of the Gibe III hydroelectric project, as well as the Government‘s ―villagization‖ programme. According to the information received, resettlements of indigenous agro-pastoralist groups is underway in the lower Omo valley and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples‘ Region to make way for the Government‘s proposed development plans for the regions. The resettlements are reportedly part of the Ethiopian Government‘s larger ―villagization‖ program instituted in at least four other regions of the country. The villagization program reportedly consists of the relocation of pastoralist, agro-pastoralist and shifting cultivators into sedentary villages where they are supposedly provided with improved social services, housing and infrastructure. Numerous concerns have been raised in relation to this programme, including that the Government has failed to obtain the consent of affected indigenous groups prior to resettlement and the lack of services provided at resettlement sites. The Gibe III hydroelectric project was the subject of previous exchanges with the Government of Ethiopia (A/HRC/21/47/Add.3, case no. ETH 1/2011).
Indigenous peoples;  
Allégations des violations graves et continues des droits de l‘homme subies par le peuple autochtone Mbororo dans la région du Nord-Ouest du Cameroun, dans un secteur appartenant à un propriétaire foncier local. Selon les informations reçues, les violations du peuple Mbororo concernent la dépossession de leurs terres; les emprisonnements illégaux et injustes; la perte du bétail; l‘affaiblissement de leurs structures dirigeantes et de leurs institutions; et l‘exploitation sexuelle des femmes Mbororo. Des préoccupations sont exprimées quant au fait que les autorités n‘auraient pas pris des mesures suffisantes pour enquêter, sanctionner et prévenir les supposées violations des droits de l‘homme commises contre des membres du people autochtone Mbororo.
Food; Human rights defenders; Indigenous peoples; Summary executions;  
Allegations concerning the situation of oil palm cultivation in Higaonon indigenous communities in the municipality of Opol, Misamis Oriental in southern Philippines, as well as the alleged killing of an indigenous Higaonon leader who had protested against the oil palm cultivation. According to the allegations received, local government officials have actively promoted and facilitated oil palm plantations within Opol, Misamis Oriental without consideration of the land and natural resource rights of the indigenous peoples in the area. The alleged removal of Higaonon community members from their lands to make way for oil palm cultivation has reportedly led to the serious disruption of Higaonon agricultural and other traditional practices in their ancestral lands. It has also been alleged that Higaonon leaders who have actively opposed and criticized oil palm operations have been threatened and assaulted by company employees and in some cases by law enforcement officials. In this connection, information has been received regarding the shooting and killing of Gilbert Paborada, an indigenous Higaonon leader who had protested against oil palm operations.
Indigenous peoples;  
Allegations concerning the human rights situation of the Guarani-Kaiowá community of Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay in Mato Grosso do Sul who allegedly face the risk of eviction from lands considered to be their traditional territory. According to the information received, since November 2011, 170 members of the Guarani-Kaiowá community of Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul have occupied a two hectare area within lands they consider to be part of their ancestral territory, after armed men allegedly connected to local landowners destroyed their previous settlement. This occupation is allegedly the result of the community‘s frustration over delays in the Government‘s demarcation of its lands. At the request of the plantation owners, a federal court ordered the eviction of the Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay community in September 2012. Due to outcries by the community and action by the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI), this order was suspended on 29 October 2012 pending the completion of the anthropological studies needed for the demarcation of the community‘s lands and on the condition that community members to remain only within a one hectare area, and not the two hectare area they have settled since November 2011. However, the Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay community still faces the threats of violence and reprisals from local landowners.
Russian Federation 
Freedom of expression; Freedom of peaceful assembly and of association; Human rights defenders; Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged closure of the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North by Government authorities. According to the information received, the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON) is an organization formed in 1990 to promote the human rights of indigenous peoples in the North, Siberia and Far East regions of the Russian Federation. The organization represents 41 indigenous groups and around 34 regional and ethnic organizations, and has various regional offices throughout the Russian Federation. RAIPON‘s work has focused on issues related to the protection of indigenous traditional lands, self-governance and social, economic and cultural development. In November 2012, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation ordered the suspension of RAIPON‘s activities until April 2013 reportedly due to noncompliance of the organization‘s charter and statutes with Russian federal legislation. RAIPON has previously attempted to adjust its internal statutes to meet the Ministry of Justice‘s requirements. However, it has been reported that those changes have not been considered acceptable by the Ministry of Justice. 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged dire social and economic conditions of the Attawapiskat First Nation, northern Ontario, Canada, and the alleged poor living conditions in aboriginal reserves. According to the information received, many of the Attawapiskat First Nation live in unheated shacks or trailers, with no running water, posing severe problems in light of the impending harsh winter. Reportedly, the Government of Canada has agreed to provide emergency housing in Attawapiskat to address the crisis situation. However, this assistance has allegedly been made contingent on third party management of funds, which the Attawapiskat First Nation reject as not being responsive to their needs. The Band also reportedly continue to suffer from the effects of a number of disasters, including an oil spill in 1979 that destroyed the public schools and a massive sewage flood in 2009, allegedly caused by a DeBeers diamond mine located on Attawapiskat traditional lands. First Nations communities are reportedly systematically underfunded as compared to non-Aboriginal towns, and the federal government allegedly maintains a 2% cap on spending increases for core services for Aboriginal peoples and cities. 
Costa Rica 
Indigenous peoples;  
Alegaciones sobre supuestas agresiones cometidas en contra de miembros de la comunidad indígena Térraba, quienes ocupaban el liceo de la comunidad para exigir derechos a la educación. Según la información recibida, el 20 de febrero de 2012, un grupo de personas mayormente no-indígenas, armados con palos y machetes, entraron al liceo de Térraba por fuerza y agredieron a unos 70 miembros de la comunidad Térraba quienes habían ocupado el liceo desde el 13 de febrero de 2012. Alrededor de 17 personas resultaron heridas, incluyendo un menor a casusa del ataque. Se alega que la toma del liceo de Térraba tuvo su origen en el reciente nombramiento de personas ajenas a la comunidad para puestos de trabajo en esa institución. Un grupo de padres de familia, estudiantes y docentes ocuparon el liceo para exigir el nombramiento de docentes y personal administrativo indígenas Térraba con el fin de asegurar que la educación en la comunidad fuera culturalmente apropiada.
Extreme poverty; Indigenous peoples;  
Alleged threat to the enjoyment of human rights by Australia‘s indigenous communities, in particular the right to equality and non-discrimination, following the proposed adoption of the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill 2012. According to information received, the Bill (third reading) extends the uniform alcohol bans and alcohol management regimes within so-called ―alcohol protected areas‖ within Northern Territory communities (Sections 27). The Social Security bill extends measures enabling compulsory income management of Centrelink recipients in certain circumstances (Schedule 1). The bill also extends the Government‘s Improving School Enrolment and Attendance through Welfare Reform Measure (SEAM) initiative, which allows for the suspension or cancellation of certain categories of Centrelink payments for lack of compliance with a notice relating to the school enrolment or attendance. The Stronger Futures Bill introduces ―special measures‖ to allow the Commonwealth to amend Northern Territory legislation regarding leasing in Aboriginal community living areas and town camps (Part 3). In addition, there have reportedly been insufficient consultations with affected indigenous communities throughout the process of drafting the Stronger Futures Bills. 
Indigenous peoples;  
Follow up letter concerning the situation of the Attawapiskat community and broader issues related to the economic and social situation of First Nations in Canada. The follow up letter contains observations of the Special Rapporteur on the Attawapiskat situation as well as additional questions in light of the response of Canada (3/2011) to the Special Rapporteur‘s initial letter on the issue (A/HRC/20/30). The follow up questions relate also to further allegations received concerning the formulas used for providing funding to First Nations in Canada. 
Indigenous peoples;  
Allegations concerning a decision by the Finland Supreme Administrative Court that has the effect of diminishing Sami self-determination. According to the information received, in order to register on the Sami electoral roll to elect representatives of the Sami Parliament, the Parliament has required that potential registrants meet both self-identification and language requirements. On the basis of these criteria, the Sami Parliament of Finland declined to admit four individuals onto its electoral register. However, in September 2011, the Finland Supreme Administrative Court reversed the decision of the Sami Parliament and decided that self-identification by any person with any ancestor registered as ―Lapp‖ dating back to as far as 1763 should be a sufficient criterion for registration. Concern is expressed that elimination of the language requirement for registration to the electoral roll will result in an influx of registrants to the electoral roll and a diluting of Sami decision-making power within the Sami Parliament.