Monthly Archives: April 2012

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – With and Introduction for Indigenous Leaders in the United States

  This handbook includes information on the background and practical significance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, along with the full text of the Declaration. It was produced by the University of Arizona Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program in connection wtih the official visit of the Special Rapporteur to the United… Read More »

The Role of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples within the United Nations Human Rights System – A Handbook for Indigenous Leaders in the United States

This handbook explains the functions and work methods of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples and how those functions may be of use to indigenous peoples. It was produced by the University of Arizona Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program in connection with the Special Rapporteur’s official visit to the United States… Read More »

Special Rapporteur stresses responsibility of transnational corporations to respect indigenous peoples’ rights

Professor Anaya visited Madrid, Spain from 10 to 12 April 2012 to meet with representatives of the Government of Spain, members of Congress, Spanish business enterprises, and NGOs concerning the impact of Spanish-based transnational companies on the rights of indigenous peoples around the world. The Special Rapporteur collected information and views on programs and policies… Read More »

Joint Communications report of Special Procedures Mandate Holders

The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released the Joint Communications Report of Special Procedures Mandate Holders for communications sent between from 1 June 2011 and 30 November 2011, and replies received from Governments between 1 August 2011 and 31 January 2012. The report contains several letters sent by the Special Rapporteur James… Read More »