Monthly Archives: August 2010

Indigenous peoples of Russia continue to face multiple impediments to the full enjoyment of their human rights, especially in some regions

The Special Rapporteur makes public his report on the situation of indigenous peoples in the Russian Federation, which follows a visit to the country from 4 to 16 October 2009. In the report, the Special Rapporteur outlines the initiatives undertaken by the federal and some regional governments to improve the living conditions of indigenous peoples… Read More »

Parents, Children, and Citizenship by Birth

Paul Finkelman, James Anaya and Gabriel J. Chin Under the Fourteenth Amendment, children born in the United States are citizens, even if their parents are not. Inspired by Arizona’s new (and partially suspended) law regulating unauthorized immigration, Senators Mitch McConnell, John Kyl, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Representative John Boehner, and other Republican leaders have… Read More »

Report to the General Assembly, A/65/264, 9 August. 2010

2010 Report to the General Assembly, A/65/264 (9 August 2010). (Summary of activities, the right to development with identity and culture, the right to participation, and further comments on Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples). PDF PDF [En][Sp][Fr][Ar][Ch][Ru]  

It is not enough to Support the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; action is needed

On the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (9 August 2010), the Special Rapporteur acknowledged that extraordinary wealth of knowledge, culture, and spirituality that indigenous peoples have maintained for the common benefit of humankind. However, he stressed that "historical patterns of oppression continue to manifest themselves in ongoing barriers to the full enjoyment of… Read More »