Monthly Archives: January 2010

UNSR on Indigenous People releases Report on his visit to Colombia in the context of follow up to the recommendations made by his predecessor

GENEVA (11 January 2010) – The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people made the following statement: “It is clear that the State of Colombia pays attention to indigenous issues and to the development of plans and proposals to address the recommendations of my predecessor; however, I am… Read More »

Other Media Coverage

  Entrevista: James Anaya Relator especial de la ONU: "La lucha indígena es la última que implica cambios sociales profundos",, Madrid, 2 Nov. 2009                               Video: Arizona Immigration Debate Goes International, Fox News, May 18, 2010 Text version  

Colombia – Media coverage

This section  is a sampling of coverage by the news media of the Special Rapporteur’s activities. Inclusion of these items does not imply their endorsement by the Special Rapporteur. They are included here for informational purposes only.   {rokbox title=|Supervivencia de los indígenas en Colombia está amenazada, dice la ONU, El Tiempo, Jan. 2010| size=|950… Read More »