Monthly Archives: October 2011

NGOs should put effort into building indigenous peoples’ negotiation capacities in face of extractive industries

LONDON. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, Prof. James Anaya called upon human rights defenders and indigenous rights advocates to put additional effort into enhancing the capacities of the peoples affected by extractive industry operations in or around their traditional territories. The Special Rapporteur made this statement as part of… Read More »

In statement to General Assembly, the Special Rapporteur addresses the impacts of extractive industries on indigenous peoples

On 17 October 2011, the Special Rapporteur presented his third annual to the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The Report provides a summary of the activities over the first three years of the Special Rapporteur’s mandate. In his statement to the General Assembly, the Special… Read More »

Statement of Special Rapporteur to UN General Assembly, 2011

Statement By James Anaya, Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples 66th session of the General Assembly Third Committee 17 October 2011 New York   Mr. Chairperson, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, It is my honor to once again present a report to the Third Committee of the General Assembly. I would like to… Read More »