Monthly Archives: March 2010

Government programs in Australia need reform to advance indigenous self-determination and avoid racial discrimination (March 2010)

The Government of Australia is to be commended for various programs aimed at reducing the disadvantaged conditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples; however, in a number of respects these programs should be better devised to advance the cultural integrity and self-determination of these peoples, says Special Rapporteur James Anaya in a report following… Read More »

Australia/Indigenous peoples: development and self-determination to overcome severe disadvantages

GENEVA (9 March 2010) – “Having suffered a history of oppression and racial discrimination, including dispossession of lands and social and cultural upheaval, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples endure severe disadvantage compared with non-indigenous Australians,” said UN independent expert Professor S. James Anaya, launching an advance version of his report on Australia*. “Historical patterns… Read More »

Botswana – Media coverage

This section  is a sampling of coverage by the news media of the Special Rapporteur’s activities. Inclusion of these items does not imply their endorsement by the Special Rapporteur. They are included here for informational purposes only.   {rokbox title=|If the shoe were on the other foot…, The Botswana Gazette, 10 Mar. 2010| size=|700 450|}{/rokbox}… Read More »