Monthly Archives: June 2010

Guatemala should refrain from issuing new licenses for natural resources extraction in indigenous territories, in the absence of an effective consultation mechanism (June 2010)

Following his visit to Guatemala between 14 and 18 June 2010, Special Rapporteur James Anaya identified a high level of social conflict and instability in relation to natural resource extraction activities being carried out in indigenous lands by private companies, in a large part due to a lack of effective consultation with the indigenous communities… Read More »

Comunicado de Prensa: Clima de alta tensión entre empresas y comunidades indígenas en Guatemala, advierte experto de la ONU

CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA – El Relator Especial de la ONU James Anaya advirtió este viernes sobre un creciente “clima de alta inestabilidad y conflictividad social en relación con las actividades de las empresas en los territorios tradicionales de los pueblos indígenas de Guatemala”. “Esta situación requiere de respuestas decididas y urgentes por parte de los… Read More »

Guatemala – Media coverage

This section  is a sampling of coverage by the news media of the Special Rapporteur’s activities. Inclusion of these items does not imply their endorsement by the Special Rapporteur. They are included here for informational purposes only.   2011 “Relator: minería genera alta conflictividad social” Prensa Libre, Guatemala, 4 Marzo 2011.   “Relator de la… Read More »

Ordinary and indigenous justice in Ecuador: “The key lies in dialogue” says UN expert

GENEVA (8 June 2010) – UN Special Rapporteur James Anaya called for dialogue and understanding between political actors and indigenous organizations in Ecuador, in order to build through consultation and participatory processes the mechanisms of coordination and cooperation between ordinary and indigenous justice. “The key lies in dialogue based on the principles of tolerance and… Read More »