Key information gathered during consultation on rights of indigenous peoples in Asia region in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

By | 13 March, 2013

consultation-asia-region13 March 2013 – The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, finalized his two-day consultation with indigenous representatives from countries throughout the Asia region to gather information about key issues affecting their peoples.

Representatives provided oral and written information on various issues including lands, territories and resources with a focus on extractive industries; militarization and impact of national security measures of Governments; and self-determination and identity. Indigenous peoples from Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, and Myanmar were represented at the consultation. The Special Rapporteur will be producing a report on the consultation, which will be presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council in September 2013. The consultation was organized and hosted by the Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact and the Malaysia National Human Rights Institution, SUHAKAM.