Final report of Special Rapporteur to Human Rights Council

By | 18 September, 2013

2013-09-18-hrc-janayaThe Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, presented his sixth and final annual report to the United Nations Human Rights Council, at its 24th session in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Special Rapporteur presented his thematic report on extractive industries and indigenous peoples (A/HRC/24/41), as well his reports on the situation of indigenous peoples in Namibia (A/HRC/24/41/Add.1) and El Salvador (A/HRC/24/41/Add.2); his report on his consultation on the situation of indigenous peoples in Asia (A/HRC/24/41/Add.3); his report on communications sent, replies received and follow up (A/HRC/24/41/Add.4); and his index on reports he has developed throughout his mandate, divided by theme and geographical region (A/HRC/24/41/Add.5).

Following his presentation and the subsequent interactive dialogue, the Special Rapporteur held a side event, during which he discussed in detail his final report on extractive industries and indigenous peoples and answered questions from participants.

See webcast of presentation to the Human Rights Council and interactive dialogue here.
See statement here