UN expert calls for stronger action to address serious issues affecting indigenous peoples in the USA

By | 4 May, 2012

logo-oacnudhWashington / New York (4 May 2012) The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, today concluded his official visit to the United States of America, which was carried out from 23 April to 4 May. In completing his visit, the Special Rapporteur urged the United States to strengthen federal and state measures to address the significant issues affecting Native American, Alaska Native and Hawaiian peoples throughout in the country.

Special Rapporteur Anaya noted that "[c]ontinued and concerted measures are needed to develop new initiatives and reform existing ones, in consultation and in real partnership with indigenous peoples… with a goal towards strengthening indigenous peoples’ own self-determination and decision-making over their affairs at all levels."

Mr. Anaya will provide detailed observations and recommendations regarding the visit in a report to the UN Human Rights Council at its forthcoming session.

See Press Release, here –  Check the full end-of-mission statement, here