Special Rapporteur addresses Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples during its Fourth Session

By | 14 July, 2011

logo-emripThe Special Rapporteur participated in the Fourth Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (11 July – 15 July 2011). In his statements to the Expert Mechanism, the Special Rapporteur described the activities he undertook during the past year under his mandate including the cases he has examined. He also offered comments on his upcoming annual thematic report on extractive industries on or near indigenous territories, and provided brief comments on the Mechanism’s report on indigenous peoples’ rights to participation. During the session, he held parallel meetings with representatives of indigenous peoples, organizations and States in order to discuss specific cases of allegations of human rights violations as well as to follow-up on cases previously brought to the attention of Governments.

See Opening Statement to the Expert Mechanism and Statement on the Rapporteur’s activities.
See unofficial webcast (external site)