Bill on Indigenous Jurisdiction in Ecuador must take indigenous peoples’ laws, customs, and traditions as its starting point

By | 22 June, 2011

video conferencie On June 16, 2011, the Special Rapporteur participated in a videoconference with members of the Justice and Structure Commission of the Ecuadorean National Assembly where he presented his observations and recommendations concerning the bill on Coordination and Cooperation between Indigenous and National Justice Systems to the Commission members, other Assembly members, State officials and members of civil society present at the main hall of the National Assembly. The Special Rapporteur stressed the importance of using as a starting point, the actual exercise of jurisdiction by indigenous peoples based on their own norms and cultures in order to address critical issues such as the subject matter, personal and territorial jurisdiction that indigenous authorities in charge of administering justice would have. He also highlighted the need that the discussion of these issues not be based on negative perceptions about indigenous justice systems in the country and to avoid any unjustified restriction of indigenous peoples’ rights of self-government, self-determination and cultural integrity.

See the Webcast here.[spanish]