Special Rapporteur makes recommendations to address situation of El Diquís dam in Costa Rica

By | 2 June, 2011

costarica-mapThe Special Rapporteur released his observations and recommendations on the measures needed to address the human rights concerns related to the proposed construction of the Diquís hydroelectric project in Costa Rica. If built according to current plans, the project will result in the flooding of ten percent of the traditional territory of the Teribe people, and will also impact other indigenous groups in the area. In his note on the situation, the Special Rapporteur provided detailed observations on the measures needed to consult with affected indigenous groups, making the specific recommendation that a team of independent experts be formed to help facilitate the consultation process. The Special Rapporteur also recommended that the Government address underlying issues affecting indigenous peoples in the country, specifically in relation to land tenure, representation, and the advancing of a law on indigenous peoples. See full note here [Spanish only].