Special Rapporteur addresses the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

By | 19 May, 2011

unpfii-2011In his statement to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, during its annual meeting in New York, the Special Rapporteur provided an overview of his activities over the past year, including his work coordinating with other relevant human rights mechanisms and agencies and his work within his four principle work areas: thematic studies, country reports, communications regarding specific cases of human rights violations, and promoting best practices. He also offered some brief comments and reflections on the Permanent Forum’s work, and made observations on measures that could be taken to continue to realize ever-greater potential of the Forum to advance indigenous peoples’ rights. His specific observations related to the Permanent Forum’s mandate to prepare and disseminate information on indigenous issues and its mandate to raise awareness and promote the integration and coordination of activities related to indigenous issues within the United Nations system.

See complete statement here.