UN News Center articles

By | 12 January, 2011


19 March, 2012 – A group of independent United Nations experts today urged States to include universally agreed international human rights norms and standards, as well as accountability mechanisms, in the goals that will emerge from a UN sustainable development forum in June.


7 January 2011 – An independent United Nations human rights expert today welcomed a new law recently adopted in the Republic of Congo, calling it a “significant” step in ensuring the rights of indigenous peoples. Read more


17 December 2010 – The announcement by President Barack Obama that the United States supports the landmark United Nations treaty outlining the rights of the world’s estimated 370 million indigenous peoples was hailed today at the world body. Read more


12 November 2010 – An independent United Nations human rights expert today welcomed a draft law in the Republic of Congo intended to recognize and protect the rights of marginalized indigenous communities in the central African country. Read more


18 October 2010 – Indigenous people are entitled to their own institutions and self-governing structures to enable them to manage their own affairs and ensure that the development process is aligned with their own cultural patterns, values and customs, a United Nations independent expert says in a report. Read more


24 August 2010 – Although the Russian Government has made “important steps” to protect the rights of its indigenous people, a United Nations independent human rights expert today urged the country to accelerate progress.  Read more


9 August 2010 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today urged the world to step up efforts to improve living conditions of the planet’s indigenous communities and to protect them, saying they continued to suffer discrimination and poverty despite a United Nations declaration that aims to promote their rights. Read more


23 July 2010 – As “troubling” inequalities persist between Maori and non-Maori, New Zealand must press ahead with efforts to improve the human rights of its indigenous people, a United Nations independent expert said today. Read more


8 June 2010 – A United Nations independent human rights expert today called for dialogue in Ecuador in the wake of the controversy surrounding the punishment doled out to an accused man by a local indigenous group.  Read more


Human rights defenders in Mexico paying with their lives, warn UN experts

12 May 2010 – Human rights defenders in Mexico are under increasing threat, a group of independent United Nations experts cautioned today, speaking out against the recent killings of two defenders in the country’s southeast. Read more


11 May 2010 – A group of independent United Nations experts today expressed their serious concern over a new immigration law enacted in the state of Arizona, questioning whether the legislation is compatible with international human rights treaties which the United States has signed on to. Read more


UN expert hails proposed Government-indigenous talks in Nordic States

16 April 2010 – European Nordic Governments agreed in principle today to restart talks on a convention with the Sami people in a move hailed by a United Nations human rights expert as potentially enhancing indigenous rights and self-determination. Read more


14 April 2010 – A conference of indigenous representatives and State officials from all the European Nordic countries opened in Finland today with a United Nations expert focusing on issues ranging from the status of Sami self-determination to education and language. Read more



9 March 2010 – Despite recent advancements in tackling the human rights of indigenous people in Australia, an independent United Nations expert today called on the country’s authorities to develop new social and economic initiatives and to reform existing ones to allow respect for cultural integrity and self-determination. Read more


25 February 2010 – Botswana’s Government must step up efforts to tackle the challenges faced by many indigenous communities, such as land rights, according to a new report by a United Nations independent expert.  Read more


19 October 2009 – The international community showed its support for the world’s nearly 400 million indigenous people by adopting the landmark 2007 declaration outlining their rights, a United Nations independent human rights said today. Read more


16 October 2009 – Russia’s federal and regional governments have undertaken several impressive steps to tackle the concerns of its small number of indigenous peoples, but significant challenges remain in overcoming poverty, unemployment and other social ills, a United Nations human rights expert said today. Read more


31 August 2009 – A United Nations human rights expert today condemned the massacre of 12 indigenous people, including seven children, in southern Colombia and voiced concern about an apparent wave of deadly attacks this year against indigenous peoples in that region of the South American country. Read more


27 August 2009 – Despite strides in improving the situation of indigenous people in Australia, an independent United Nations expert today called on the country to build on that momentum to close the gap of “indigenous disadvantage.” Read more


10 August 2009 – The world’s 370 million indigenous people remain among the most vulnerable members of our societies, warned the head of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), joining a chorus of UN officials voicing their concerns as the world body observes the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People today. Read more


3 April 2009 – Three United Nations experts today welcomed Australia’s endorsement of the United Nations landmark declaration outlining the rights of the world’s estimated 370 million indigenous people and outlawing discrimination against them. Read more


27 March 2009 – Botswana’s indigenous peoples still struggle to gain access to health services, education and employment opportunities, despite efforts to improve their situation, according to a United Nations human rights expert who conducted a nine-day visit to the Southern African country. Read more


17 December 2008 – An independent United Nations human rights expert has praised the Nicaraguan Government for giving the indigenous Awas Tingni community the title to its traditional lands, marking the culmination of a decades-long struggle by the group to gain recognition and protection of its ancestral territory. Read more


2 December 2008 – An independent United Nations human rights expert wrapped up a nine-day visit to Nepal today by pressing its Government to ensure that the country’s indigenous people, who have experienced “a long history of oppression and marginalisation,” receive fair representation and resources.Read more


18 September 2008 – The United Nations expert on the human rights of indigenous people today condemned the recent wave of violence in Bolivia directed at indigenous communities, individuals and institutions that work in their defence. Read more


13 September 2008 – A United Nations independent expert today commemorated the first anniversary of the General Assembly’s adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, calling on States to renew their commitment to the historic document. Read more


25 August 2008 – Brazil’s indigenous peoples still struggle to exercise real control over their lives and lands, despite some advances in their conditions and the Government’s commitment to improve the situation, a United Nations human rights expert said today after wrapping up a 12-day visit to the South American country. Read more


8 August 2008 – Two senior United Nations human rights officials called today for political commitment from States and the support of the public at large to fulfil the rights of indigenous peoples around the globe, in a joint statement released on the eve of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. Read more