Australia – Media coverage

By | 1 June, 2009


This section  is a sampling of coverage by the news media of the Special Rapporteur’s activities.
Inclusion of these items does not imply their endorsement by the Special Rapporteur.
They are included here for informational purposes only.


  ABC News, 24 Feb. 2010


UN rapporteur raps NT intervention, ABC News, 24 Feb. 2010



Central Australian Aboriginal
Media Association

The United Nations special rapporteur on Indigenous rights says he has heard both good and bad reports about the treatment of Aboriginal people in central Australia, CAAMA Radio Exclusive, 28 Aug. 2009


{rokbox title=|UN envoy demands changes to ‘racist’ intervention, The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Feb. 2010| size=|700 450| thumb=|images/stories/snapress/sidney-morning.jpg|}{/rokbox} {rokbox title=|UN envoy demands changes to ‘racist’ intervention, The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Feb. 2010| size=|700 450|}{/rokbox}


Bamoseda, March 2010

Jennifer Ashawasegai intereviews the Special Rapporteur, Bamoseda, Mar. 2010


{youtube width="250" height="170"}qO-rt8UVerM?fs=1&hl=es_ES&rel=0{/youtube}

– TV News story on trip to Australia (august 2009)


{youtube width="250" height="170"}fM503GWQgJQ?fs=1&hl=es_ES&rel=0{/youtube}  


{vimeo width="250" height="170"}6332572{/vimeo} Press Conference at the National Library of Australia (Aug. 28, 2009) (Audio)




{rokbox title=|UN rapporteur raps NT intervention, ABC News, 24 Feb. 2010| size=|700 450| thumb=|images/stories/snapressaustralia-abcnws-world.jpg|}{/rokbox}