This section is a sampling of coverage by the news media of the Special Rapporteur’s activities. |
{rokbox title=|UN envoy demands changes to ‘racist’ intervention, The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Feb. 2010| size=|700 450| thumb=|images/stories/snapress/sidney-morning.jpg|}{/rokbox} | {rokbox title=|UN envoy demands changes to ‘racist’ intervention, The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Feb. 2010| size=|700 450|}{/rokbox} |
Jennifer Ashawasegai intereviews the Special Rapporteur, Bamoseda, Mar. 2010 |
{youtube width="250" height="170"}qO-rt8UVerM?fs=1&hl=es_ES&rel=0{/youtube} |
– TV News story on trip to Australia (august 2009)
{youtube width="250" height="170"}fM503GWQgJQ?fs=1&hl=es_ES&rel=0{/youtube} |
{vimeo width="250" height="170"}6332572{/vimeo} | Press Conference at the National Library of Australia (Aug. 28, 2009) (Audio) |